Terms of Use

Kadokawa Culture Museum (hereinafter referred to as “Foundation”) sets forth the following terms and conditions of use (hereinafter referred to as “Terms of Use”) for the online purchase service (hereinafter referred to as “Service”) on the website of Kadokawa Culture Museum.
Please read the Terms of Use carefully and agree to them before using the Service.
If you do not agree to the Terms of Use, please do not use the Service.
By using the Service, you fully agree to all of the Terms of Use.
However, this does not apply if other regulations and provisions are posted on the website or within the facility, etc.
Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1 Application and Revision
- 1. The Terms of Use shall apply to all relationships pertaining to the use of the Service between the Foundation and the user (as defined in Article 3) who wishes to use the Service.
- 2. The Foundation shall be entitled to change the Terms of Use without prior consent of the user, by notifying the user in accordance with the method specified by the Foundation.
Article 2 Use of Service
- 1. The user shall use the Service in accordance with the Terms of Use and rules established by the Foundation separately.
- 2. The Foundation shall be entitled to change the contents of the Service without prior consent of the user and shall not be held liable for any disadvantage or damage caused to the user by such act.
- 3. The user of the Service shall be obligated to comply in good faith with the Terms of Use as well as general manners and morals regarding the use of the Internet and technical rules.
Chapter II User
Article 3 User
A “user” shall be a person who agrees to the Terms of Use, registers a new user membership in accordance with procedures of the Foundation, and uses the Service.
Article 4 User Registration
- 1. Those who wish to register as a new user shall apply for user membership registration in accordance with the procedures specified by the Foundation from the new member registration page of the Service. If the applicant for user membership registration is a minor, the applicant must obtain the consent of his or her parents or guardians before applying for a user membership.
- 2. The Foundation may not approve the user membership registration if an applicant for user membership registration has in the past had his or her registration deleted or has been subject to other measures resulting from a breach of the Terms of Use or other reasons, if the contents of the user’s registration include false information, or if the Foundation otherwise considers it inappropriate to approve the registration. In this case, the Foundation is under no obligation to inform the applicant of the reason for disapproval.
- 3. If an applicant for user membership registration falls under any of the following items, the Foundation shall not approve the registration application. In such cases, the Foundation is under no obligation to inform the applicant of the reason for disapproval.
- (1)Organized crime groups, organized crime group members, or related persons, and other antisocial forces under the Act on Prevention of Unjust Acts by Organized Crime Group Members (Act No. 77 of 1991) (hereinafter referred to as “Organized Crime Groups, etc.”)
- (2)A corporation, other organization, or members thereof whose business activities are controlled by Organized Crime Groups, etc.
- (3)A corporation or members thereof whose officers are involved with Organized Crime Groups, etc.
- (4)A person who is judged to be likely to act against the law or public order and morals
Article 5 Notification of Change and Cancellation
- 1. Users are required to promptly notify the Foundation of any change of data registered with the Foundation such as email address, zip code, or name, by means of the method that the Foundation stipulates separately.
- 2. If a user wishes to cancel his or her membership registration, the user shall apply for withdrawal from the “Customer information” page of the Service website.
Article 6 Termination of Use of Service and Deletion of User Registration
If a user falls under any of the following items, the Foundation shall be entitled to terminate use of the Service or delete user registration without giving prior notice to the user.
- (1)When a prohibited act as defined in Article 7 has been carried out
- (2)When the user falls under any of the items listed in Article 4, Paragraph 3
- (3)When there is any other violation of the Terms of Use or individual purchase and sales conditions of the Products, etc. (defined in Article 8, Paragraph 1)
Article 7 Prohibitions
The user is prohibited from performing the following acts when using the Service. In the event that the Foundation, another user, or a third party suffers damages as a result of any of the following acts perpetrated by the user, the user shall make compensation for said damages.
- (1)Applying for user membership with false information when registering
- (2)Any act that the Foundation deems to be likely to interfere with the operation of the Service or bring serious damage to the Service
- (3)Use of the Service by unauthorized use of a credit card
- (4)Transferal, inheritance, or provision as collateral to a third party all or any part of the status as a user of the Service, rights acquired by using the Service, and other rights and obligations under the Terms of Use, unless expressly permitted by the Foundation
- (5)Use of the Service for the purpose of business and resale, or use of the Service for the purpose of providing to a third party for business and resale
- (6)Unauthorized use of user ID and password
- (7)Acts that will or may cause trouble, disadvantage, or damage to another user, a third party, or the Foundation
- (8)Acts that violate or may violate copyrights, trade secrets, property, privacy, or any other rights of another user, a third party, or the Foundation
- (9)Acts that are or may be against public order and morals, and any other acts that are or may be in violation of law and regulations
- (10)Any other acts that the Foundation deems inappropriate in terms of the operation and management of the Service to allow the use of the Service
Article 8 Copyright, etc.
- 1. All rights including ownership and copyright to products and services (hereinafter referred to as “Products, etc.”) or information provided or sold by the Foundation using the Service shall belong to the Foundation.
- 2. The user shall not use, reproduce, duplicate, distribute, or modify all or part of any information or images obtained through the use of the Service beyond the extent that is authorized by the Copyright Act and other related laws and regulations without the consent of the Foundation or the rights holders of said information or images.
- 3. In case of a dispute concerning intellectual property rights between the user and a third party in violation of this Article, the user shall resolve this at his or her own expense and responsibility, and the Foundation shall not be liable for any such dispute.
Article 9 User ID and Password Management
- 1. The user shall be responsible for managing the user ID and password set by himself or herself, and the Foundation shall bear no responsibility in this regard.
- 2. The user shall not assign, lend, or disclose his or her user ID and password to a third party.
- 3. The user shall be liable for any damage caused by inadequate management, misuse, or use by a third party of his or her user ID and password.
- 4. In case of unauthorized use of his or her user ID and password by a third party, the user shall notify the Foundation immediately.
- 5. The user shall be aware of risks such as leakage due to the transmission of credit card number and other means of payment when using the Service, and shall do so at his or her own risk.
Article 10 Use of User Information
- All personal information (information about an individual user which can identify the individual user by name, date of birth, or other descriptions and materials (videos, pictures, sounds, etc.) contained in said information, or information which cannot identify the individual by itself but can easily identify the individual by comparing with other information) provided to the Foundation through the provision of the Service shall be used within the scope of the following purpose of use.
- Details regarding the handling of personal information are set forth in the Foundation’s Personal Information Protection Policy, and the Foundation shall appropriately collect, use, manage, and store the personal information of the users or provide said information to third parties based on this Policy.
- Click here for the Personal Information Protection Policy of Kadokawa Culture Promotion Foundation.
- The Foundation shall use the personal information obtained in connection with the operation of Kadokawa Culture Museum to [1] provide services, [2] improve products and services and develop new products, and [3] provide various information, mainly for business related to Kadokawa Culture Museum.
Personal information items to be provided
- [1]Items filled in by the user, such as email address, name and date of birth
- [2]Service usage history and product purchase history
How personal information is provided
- [1]Via server
- [2]Via electronic or paper media
- At the user’s own request, the Foundation will disclose the personal information it holds, revise, add, or delete contents, suspend the use of or delete the personal information, or suspend provision to third parties. Please use the following contact details to submit inquiries about personal information in relation to the provision of the Service.
- Kadokawa Culture Museum
- Address:3-31-3 Higashi-Tokorozawa Wada, Tokorozawa-shi,Saitama 359-0023,Japan
- Telephone number:0570-017-396
- Office hours:14:00~17:00
Chapter III Purchase of Products, etc.
Article 11 Purchase of Products, etc.
- 1. The user may purchase Products, etc. from the Foundation by using the Service.
- 2. If the user wishes to purchase Products, etc., the user shall make an offer to purchase the Products, etc. in accordance with the method specified by the Foundation.
- 3. The Foundation shall not be liable for any damage to the user caused by the use of the Service and shall be exempt from any obligation to compensate for damage, except where attributable to willful misconduct or gross negligence by the Foundation.
- 4. Notwithstanding the provision of the preceding paragraph, in case of fraudulent or inappropriate conduct regarding the Service, or in case the Foundation deletes the user registration based on the Terms of Use, the Foundation may cancel or terminate the sales contract or take other appropriate measures.
- 5. If the purchased item is a ticket for Kadokawa Culture Museum (hereinafter referred to as “Ticket”), and a violation of Article 7 regarding the Ticket is confirmed, we shall void all Tickets (regardless of whether or not they are the subject of the violation) purchased by the user involved and deny access to Kadokawa Culture Museum. In such cases, the Foundation will not refund the voided Tickets.
Article 12 Payment methods
- 1. Payment for the Products, etc. purchased through the Service shall be made by credit card in the user’s name or by any other method of payment specified by the Foundation separately.
- 2. Payment by credit card shall be subject to the terms and conditions of a separate contract with the user and the credit card company. Any dispute between the user and the credit card company, etc. shall be resolved by both parties concerned, and the Foundation shall not be liable for any such dispute.
Article 13 Cancellation, Change, and Refund
- 1. Tickets cannot be canceled or changed once purchased.
- 2. Refunds will be given only in the event of temporary closure due to natural disaster, fire, or any force majeure, or in the event that Kadokawa Culture Museum is unable to provide the Service at its discretion.
Chapter IV Application of Service
Article 14 Discontinuation of Service
In any of the following cases, the Foundation shall be entitled to discontinue the Service in whole or in part without giving prior notice to the user.
- (1)When performing maintenance and inspection or updates of systems related to the Service
- (2)When it becomes difficult to provide the Service due to earthquake, lightning, fire, power failure, or any force majeure
- (3)When there is a change, suspension, delay, or discontinuation of the services of the telecommunication carrier
- (4)When computer or communication lines are shut down due to an accident
- (5)When there is unauthorized use or the possibility of unauthorized use of the Service, or when it is necessary to prevent unauthorized use by a third party
- (6)Any other case where the Foundation deems it difficult to provide the Service
- (7)Furthermore, the Foundation shall not be liable for any disadvantage or damage suffered by the user or a third party due to the suspension or discontinuation of the Service for any reason.
- (8)Moreover, the Foundation shall not be liable for any problems caused by inactivity or closing of the browser, computer shutdown, or network disconnection while the user is using the Service.
Article 15 Termination of Service
- 1. The Foundation shall be entitled to terminate the provision of the Service by notifying the user at least one month in advance in accordance with the method specified by the Foundation.
- 2. The Foundation shall not be liable for any damage, loss, or disadvantage to the user resulting from the termination of the Service for any reason.
Article 16 Other Disclaimers
- 1. The Foundation shall not be liable for any damage to the user (or applicant) due to the user’s inability to use the Service, our non-approval of the user registration based on the provision of the Terms of Use, cancellation of the user registration based on the provision of the Terms of Use, or invalidation of the Ticket based on the provision of the Terms of Use.
- 2. The Foundation shall be exempt from any obligations by processing administrative work in accordance with the registered contents of the user.
- 3. The Foundation shall not be liable for any damage to the user caused by the use of the Service and shall be exempt from any obligation to compensate for damage, except where attributable to willful misconduct or gross negligence by the Foundation.
- 4. If the user causes any damage to another user or a third party through the use of the Service, the user involved shall resolve this at his or her own expense and responsibility and shall not cause any inconvenience to the Foundation.
Article 17 Other
- 1. As a general rule, the Foundation and the user shall communicate by email.
- 2. If a problem arises in the use of the Service that cannot be resolved by the Terms of Use or the guidance of the Foundation, the Foundation and the user shall discuss and resolve the matter in good faith.
- 3. The Terms of Use shall be governed by the Law of Japan regarding the conclusion, enforcement, implementation, and interpretation thereof.
- 4. In case litigation regarding the use of the Service becomes necessary, Tokyo District Court shall be the court of exclusive jurisdiction court in the first instance.
The subject ends herewith.
Jul.15,2020 Enacted